Register with a family doctor

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Why register with a family doctor from Physimed Clinic?

The shortage of family doctors exists everywhere in Quebec and particularly in Montreal. Currently, almost 30% of residents of Montreal do not have a family doctor. Unfortunately, many vulnerable patients are not benefiting from adequate medical care and follow-up.

Your family doctor from Physimed Clinic Inc. could develop a solid professional relationship with you and could act effectively to prevent and treat your health problems.

Your family doctor will be looking after your health and will follow up closely the evolution of your general health status. To do this, he should know you well medically and he should periodically evaluate your health.

médecin de famille

How to register for the family medicine program?

Considering the significant increase of our clientele, and in order to continue to constantly improve the quality of services offered, Physimed Clinic Inc. has, on one hand, expanded its team of health professionals, and, on the other hand, put in place administrative procedures to facilitate access to medical care for its own patients.

If you wish to consult and be followed-up by a physician in our clinic, we invite you to register with one of our general practitioners. Registration is voluntarily and free. The physician that you have selected, with mutual consent, could become your family doctor from Physimed.

Advantages to registering with a family doctor at Physimed Clinic

There are several advantages to registering with a family doctor from Physimed:

  • The assurance of having your own family doctor
  • The assurance of having your periodic medical check-up with your family doctor
  • The advantage to schedule an appointment with your family doctor more quickly
  • The assurance of comprehensive care by the “appropriate access to clinic-wide”
  • The centralization of your medical information in a unique medical file

Please note that it is not mandatory to register with a family doctor from Physimed Clinic Inc. to consult our clinic. Only patients interested in ongoing care by our family doctors and our medical team should register. Also note that registration with a family doctor is free.